Who Are You Anointed For - Daily Devotional August 12th, 2010

Bible Reading - 1 Samuel 2, Romans 2, Jeremiah 40, Luke 9

Who Are You Anointed For

In today's devotional I talk about that fact that we are anointed by Jesus for people and not for ourselves. Luke 9

Tomorrows Bible Reading - 1 Samuel 3, Romans 3, Jeremiah 41, Luke 10

Dream Big


Alayna said...

Loved today's devotional, just read it and it really ties perfectly into what we began to discuss at community group about our purpose. Too often we think our purpose and our annointing is for us to feel satisfied and fulfilled, but in all actuality it is so others might come into a relationship with God and know the love of Christ. Good word!

Unknown said...

Great word. Satan would love for us to get so wrapped up in our annointing that we leave Christ out of it or we lose track of the purpose behind it all.

Unknown said...

I agree! We must always seek God and allow His anointing to reach people push us to do just that.