A new creation with an empowering grace. Daily Devotional - August 16, 2010

Daily Bible reading: 1 Samuel 7, Romans 6, Jeremiah 44, Luke 13

Before I gave my life to Christ, I was a completely different person. The power of God to transform lives is incredible. I was recently telling a friend some things about my past and explaining to her that even though I know it was still me that did those things, the memories feel like I am looking into the life of another person. Not only did God forgive me but his grace covered that old life so those memories don’t have to vividly haunt or torment me!

Romans 6:4 tells us that because of what Jesus did on the cross we may have a new life!

There are many self-help books out there that promote a “fresh start” or a “new you.” All of these concepts are only the biblical principle with Christ removed from it. People can try to have a fresh start or a new life without Christ, but it won’t bring the transforming power that only He can bring. I know many Christians who remember the exact date of when the gave their life to Christ. To some, they deem it as important as their actual birthday because it was when they were born again.

For me, it was an instant transformation and for some it is more gradual. Wherever you are at with God today, and with the sins you are trying to overcome know that you can’t do it on your own! It is only through the power and the grace of God that true strength and change comes.

2 Corinthians 5:17 says “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”

If you have been a Christian all your life, don’t let the enemy lie to you and tell you that you don’t have a testimony. Your testimony is that the grace of God saved and spared you all the days of your life! If you have been born again in your later years, know that you have a new life in Christ. You are a new person who has been washed clean and given authority! The lie of the devil is that he has only given you grace to forgive your sins! Wrong! He has also given you an empowering grace! This empowers you to do everything he has called you to do and to give up everything he calls you to give up.

You are a new creation with an empowering grace!
Mel Miller